在本文中,我们将了解如何在 Next.js 中将一个页面链接到另一个页面。请按照以下步骤在 Next.js 应用程序中设置页面之间的链接:

要创建新的 NextJs 应用程序,请在终端中运行以下命令:

npx create-next-app GFG

创建项目文件夹(即 GFG )后,使用以下命令移至该文件夹:

cd GFG


创建页面:首先,我们将在 Next.js 项目中创建两个不同的页面。为此,在页面文件夹中创建两个名为“first”和“second”的新 JavaScript 文件。


  • Javascript

export default function first() {

    return (


            This is the first page.




Filename: second.js

  • Javascript

export default function second() {

    return (


            This is the second page.




Linking the Pages: Now to link the pages, we are going to use the ‘Link’ component from ‘next/link’. We can add tag inside our Link component. We can add the below line in our script to import this component.

import Link from 'next/link'

To link the ‘first’ and ‘second’ page with the Homepage we are going to add the below lines in our index.js file in the pages folder.

Filename: index.js

  • Javascript

import Link from 'next/link'

export default function Home() {

    return (




                This is Homepage



            <Link href=``"/first"``>

                <a><button>Go to First Page</button></a>


            <br />

            <Link href=``"/second"``>

                <a><button>Go to Second Page</button></a>





Filename: first.js Now we are also going to add the ‘Link’ component in our ‘first’ and ‘second’ pages.

  • Javascript

import Link from 'next/link'

export default function first() {

    return (


            This is the first page.

            <br />


            <Link href=``"/first"``>

                <a><button>Go to First Page</button></a>


            <br />

            <Link href=``"/second"``>

                <a><button>Go to Second Page</button></a>





Filename: second.js

  • Javascript

import Link from 'next/link'

export default function second() {

    return (


            This is the second page.

            <br />


            <Link href=``"/first"``>

                <a><button>Go to First Page</button></a>


            <br />

            <Link href=``"/second"``>

                <a><button>Go to Second Page</button></a>





运行应用程序的步骤: 现在使用以下命令运行应用程序:

npm start


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