GPT编程辅助指南 -- 知识铺
GPT编程(上): 如何用ChatGPT辅助我们编程?
n ChatGPT是OpenAI于2022年11月发布的一个大型语言模型,全称为聊天生成预训练转换器(Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer)。它通过人机自然语言对话的方式与用户交互,特别擅长处理上下文相关的连续对话。自推出以来,ChatGPT因其卓越的能力而迅速获得了超过一亿用户的青睐。它的主要功能包括但不限于文本创作、对话交流、内容摘要以及代码修正等。
To create a Spring MVC application which connects to a MySQL database, follow these steps:
- Set up a MySQL database: Install MySQL on your machine and create a database. Then, create a table with some sample data.2. Create a Spring MVC project: Create a new Spring MVC project in your favorite IDE. You can use Maven or Gradle as your build tool.3. Add MySQL dependencies: Add the MySQL JDBC driver and Spring JDBC dependencies to your project. You can add them in your build file (pom.xml or build.gradle).4. Configure the database connection: In your Spring configuration file (applicationContext.xml), configure the database connection details such as driver class, URL, username, and password.5. Create a data access object (DAO): Create a DAO class to interact with the database. This class should have methods to insert, update, delete, and select data from the database.6. Create a controller: Create a Spring controller to handle the HTTP requests. The controller should use the DAO to fetch data from the database and return it as a response.7. Create a view: Create a view to display the data returned by the controller. You can use JSP, Thymeleaf, or any other view technology. Here is the complete code for the 6th step: Create a controller
- Create a class called EmployeeController with the following methods:
我:great! fot the last step, I do not want to use JSP, but prefer to use React, could give me the script to access the above controller?
从这里我们可以看出,对常规的任务,它能给我们一个程序框架,像一个编程助手一样跟我们对话,很强。下面我们再看一个完整例子,在Spring Boot中开发一个数据库应用项目。
我:create a new spring boot crud project
它的回复是:Sure, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create a new Spring Boot CRUD project:
- Open your preferred IDE (Integrated Development Environment) such as Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA.
- Create a new Spring Boot project using the Spring Initializr. You can do this by going to and filling out the necessary information such as project type, language, packaging, and dependencies. For this example, we’ll use Maven as the project type and select Spring Web, Spring Data JPA, and H2 Database as the dependencies.
- Click the Generate button to download the project as a zip file.
- Extract the contents of the downloaded zip file to a directory on your computer.
- Open your IDE and import the project. In Eclipse, go to File > Import > Maven > Existing Maven Projects and select the directory where you extracted the project. In IntelliJ IDEA, go to File > New > Project from Existing Sources and select the directory where you extracted the project.
- Once the project is imported, open the file located in the src/main/resources directory. This file contains configuration properties for the project such as database connection settings. For this example, we’ll use the default H2 database settings.
- Create a new package called “model” and create a new class called “Person” in that package. This class will represent our data model for the CRUD operations. Add the necessary fields such as “id”, “firstName”, “lastName”, and “email”. Add getters and setters for each field.
- Create a new package called “repository” and create a new interface called “PersonRepository” in that package. This interface will extend the JpaRepository interface provided by Spring Data JPA and will allow us to perform CRUD operations on the “Person” class. Add any custom methods you need for your application.
- Create a new package called “controller” and create a new class called “PersonController” in that package. This class will handle incoming requests and call the appropriate methods in the “PersonRepository”. Use annotations such as @RestController and @RequestMapping to define the endpoint mappings.
- Run the project using your IDE or by running the “mvn spring-boot:run” command in the project directory. This will start the Spring Boot application and make it available at http://localhost:8080.
- Test the CRUD operations by sending HTTP requests to the appropriate endpoints using a tool such as Postman or cURL. You can use the following endpoints as examples:
GET /person - Retrieve a list of all persons
GET /person/{id} - Retrieve a person by ID
POST /person - Create a new person
PUT /person/{id} - Update an existing person
DELETE /person/{id} - Delete a person by ID
That’s it! You now have a basic Spring Boot CRUD project up and running. From here, you can add more features and functionality as needed for your application.
如果你熟悉Spring Boot的话,应该能看出来,ChatGPT它已经把整个应用创建的完整步骤发给我们了,我们用Intellij IDea 建立一个Spring Boot Web 项目,按照步骤就可以把项目建立起来。项目建立起来以后,还要进一步细化每一步。要实现CRUD功能,需要依次创建entity、repository、service、controller等包和类,我们完全可以用GPT,让它帮我们建立,而不用我们写一行代码。
我:create a student entity for above project
此时它回复:Sure, here’s an example of a Student entity class that you can add to your Spring Boot project:
这样entity 就建好了,然后我们创建repository。这时候我们继续询问GPT。
我:create a student repo for above project.
然后它回复:Sure, here’s an example of a StudentRepository interface that you can add to your Spring Boot project:
我们继续创建service,给GPT发送指令:create Student service interface for above project.
GPT回复:Sure, here’s an example of a StudentService interface that you can add to your Spring Boot project:
GPT同样把代码给到我们了,我们创建好StudentService,把代码粘贴过去,这样Student 的数据操作接口类StudentService就创建好了。
我:create student service impl class for above project
GPT回复:Certainly, here’s an example of a StudentServiceImpl class that implements the StudentService interface:
我:create student controller for above project.
GPT回复:Sure! Here’s an example of a StudentController class that you can add to your Spring Boot project:
Application Properties for Database Connectivity
Here is a structured and organized example of an
file for configuring database connectivity in a Spring Boot application.
Database Connection Settings
Additional Configurations
Make sure to replace the aaaaaaa
placeholders with the actual values specific to your database configuration. This setup ensures that your application can connect to the database and perform necessary operations.
GPT已经给出了 文件的内容,我们把这些内容拷贝到项目的 application.properties文件里,并把其中的your_database_name_here、your_databas_username_here、your_database_password_here换成我们实际的值。
aaaaaaa a在使用IntelliJ IDEA等开发工具时,可以通过安装插件来增强编程效率和代码质量。下面我们将介绍如何利用Bito这款基于ChatGPT和GPT-4的人工智能插件来辅助开发工作。
- GPT对话:直接与AI交互。
- 代码检查:自动检测潜在的代码问题。
- 解释代码:帮助理解复杂的代码段落。
- 自动生成注释:根据代码生成文档注释。
- 安全检查:审查代码的安全性。
- 样式检查:确保代码遵循特定的编码规范。
- 优化代码:提升代码的可读性和性能。
- 清理代码:移除不必要的部分,保持代码整洁。
- 生成单元测试:为代码创建测试用例。
- 在IntelliJ IDEA中打开插件市场,搜索
并安装。2. 按照提示完成注册过程。
- 打开您的项目,在需要编写算法的地方定位光标。2. 使用Bito插件提供的输入框或快捷键启动Bito。3. 输入请求:
4. 等待Bito响应,并提供相应的算法实现代码。 请注意,当您收到Bito提供的代码后,应该仔细审阅以确保其满足您的具体需求,并且正确无误地实现了所需的算法逻辑。 通过这种方式,您可以利用Bito这样的插件来加速开发流程,并提高代码的质量。记得充分利用Bito的各种特性,比如让Bito为您解释难以理解的代码片段、优化现有代码或者进行安全性检查等等。
aaaaaaa为了帮助您更好地理解代码,可以通过以下步骤使用Bito AI插件来增强代码的可读性: aaaaaaa1. 首先,选中您想要添加注释的代码段。 aaaaaaa2. 然后,右键点击选中的代码区域,从弹出菜单中选择 Bito AI -> Improve Readability 选项。这一步骤将自动为您的每一行代码生成详细的英文注释,以提高代码的理解度。 aaaaaaa3. 如果您希望将这些英文注释转换成中文,只需给Bito AI插件发送指令,要求其将现有的英文注释替换为中文版本。 aaaaaaa4. 插件将会响应您的请求,并回复如下内容:‘好的,以下是加入中文注释的重写代码。’ 通过这样的流程,您可以轻松地得到带有清晰中文注释的代码,从而让代码更易于被非英语母语者或者偏好中文文档的开发者理解和维护。
检查代码质量 如果我们想知道一段代码的执行性能如何,Bito也可以帮助我们来判断。选中代码,然后点击右键菜单,选择Bito AI->Performance Check。这时候Bito就会帮我们检查代码的性能,并给出代码修改意见。
生成单元测试代码 Bito同时也可以生成单元测试代码。选中代码,然后点击右键菜单,选择Bito AI->Generate Unit Test。这时它会帮我们生成测试代码。
解释代码:解释代码的功能和逻辑。 此外,ChatGPT还具备Security Check、Style Check、Clean Code等工具,以增强代码的安全性和可读性。
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